It is a well known fact that templates in C++ are Turing complete. In this post I demonstrate that templates are Church complete, in the sense that you can encode (untyped) lambda calculus in them.
In C++, given the following definitions of classes A, B and C, each with a constructor and two members,
what is the order of initialization of the members and constructor?
VE280 was (is?) a sophomore course in UMJI, that for all intents and purposes, is a course that teaches students programming in
C++. Among the kind of contents being taught (and sometimes tested) are questions like the one before. These questions occuppies
a weired position in the technical discourse: some people take pride in being able to answer these questions correct, prides
themselves as “experts of C++”, while others dismiss it as pedantic, archaic, call the aforementioned language lawyers, and
argues that it has no place in a university lecture room.
I was a language lawyer. Back in 2018 and 2019 I TAed the summer instance twice and wrote an extensive collection of
recitation notes, which admittedly goes far beyond what’s required to pass the course.
They are more akin to reflections of mine on the subject [1]. Five years later on an totally unrelated occasion I went back and
read what I wrote then and reflected on it. I found the truth (as always) lies in between the competing views. Furthermore,
I think VE280 did something right.
有三个PhD学生在2022年的夏天决定一起去road trip。他们5月24日从拉斯维加斯出发,走过Zion, Bryce, and Grand Canyon 三个主要国家公园,途中经过了
Antelope Valley 和 Horseshoe Bend 等网红景点,最后在6月3日回到了Vegas。这里是其中一切拍的照片。
Tonight, the scumbag-in-chief currently occupying the white house unleashed yet another racist tweet. However, something’s different this time: the victim is not the common African Americans, Mexicans or Muslims. it’s the Chinese. Donald Trump in his tweet blatantly called the COVID-19 virus the Chinese virus, defying all courtesy and decency as he has always done. As a foreign student living in the US, I feel genuinely attacked and unsafe. Reading the replies to that tweet scares the hell out of me, to the point that I just Googled Pennsylvania’s gun laws.